For all of you certification junkies - and in our field there are many :-) - there is a good certification now available online (for $195 through Dec 2010) at the Cloud Security Alliance. Launched this month, it is a 50 question, multiple choice test that must be completed in 60 minutes - but don't worry - there is a study guide available at CCSK Study Guide. The questions cover the information you will find in one overview document I mentioned in my last post - Cloud Security Alliance Guidance Version 2.1– Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing and another ENISA – Cloud Computing Risk Assessment.
The CSA is planning updates to this body of knowledge and will have a road map for certifications next year. In the meantime, it's a good idea to do the prep and take the exam.
This certification isn't a substitute for current certifications such as CISM or CISSP. It is based on knowledge specific to cloud computing - so, you can't use any of your other certifications to grandfather you in!
We recently put together free sample test questions for the CCSK based on the two documents used by the CSA for defining cloud security. Please check us out at
Posted by: JVB | 12/20/2010 at 11:28 AM
Thanks for this one! Lately, there is an explosive growth in certification. With these around, companies will always be assured that their data and records accurate and secured.
Posted by: Javis Lounsbury | 04/15/2011 at 12:51 AM